A Semiannual International Journal
Devoted to
the Study of the
Military Chaplaincy
Download the Latest Issue of Curtana now!
Volume 7 Issue 2
(Summer 2021)
Although different branches of the military produce publications with an internal focus, there is no other professional journal which combines the purposes of Curtana. Our vision exceeds the aim of existing chaplaincy publications, which admirably meet their narrower goals. Chaplains in the United States, and other nations as well, benefit from a forum in which they can discuss matters deemed too sensitive for official publications.
In a word, Curtana is independent. Curtana is not associated in any manner with the United States Department of Defense. Our editorial policies owe no debt to anyone, so there is a freedom to pose questions in this forum which does not exist in publications financed by official military organizations.
The articles in Curtana come from a wide array of writers, both living and dead. Much of the material consists of the recovery of primary sources scattered throughout the public domain. Current articles and editorials flow from the pens of past and present chaplains from a variety of nations. Chaplain assistants also add valuable contributions to the discussion. Non-chaplaincy military members, and civilian clergy and laity are welcome to offer their insights as well. The credentials of the writers will be important of course, but they will deservedly take a back seat to the substance of the manuscripts themselves.
In a broad sense, all military people who possess a strong faith will be interested in various aspects of this publication. If you are interested in religious practice in the military, please subscribe.
Submissions are not limited to prose articles. We also consider poetry and illustrative artwork for inclusion in the journal. Add your name to our list of writers!
The audience of Curtana consists of everyone interested in the history and direction of the military chaplaincy. While chaplains and chaplain assistants possess an obvious affinity for the publication, everyone concerned about faith in the military will be eager readers of the journal.
In order to make Curtana available to everyone interested in this fascinating subject, subscriptions to the journal are free. It is published in a PDF format and available for download from this website. Subscribers will receive email notice of the publication of each issue, along with a direct link to the journal.
The publication model for Curtana is that it will always remain a free journal. We offer it freely in the belief citizens of all nations can benefit from access to this information. Please note, however, that free distribution of the journal itself in no way limits the copyright protection of all of the material appearing in the journal. If you desire to republish anything in Curtana in any format other than the journal in its entirety, you must seek written permission to do so. Contributors retain all of the aforementioned copyrights to their creations.
The legal publisher of Curtana is Scriptorium Novum Press | The New Scriptorium. Scriptorium Novum Press is a small LLC.